Exercise 1.2.5
These are the solutions to the exercises of the book Graph Theory with Applications by J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty.
(\Rightarrow) Let G and H be two simple graphs that are isomorphic. Therefore by definition there exists a bijection \theta : V(G)\rightarrow V(H) and \phi : E(G)\rightarrow E(H) such that \psi_G(e)=uv\iff\psi_H(\phi(e))=\theta(u)\theta(v). Hence there exists a bijection \theta : V(G)\rightarrow V(H) such that uv\in E(G)\iff \theta(u)\theta(v)\in E(H). \square
(\Leftarrow) Assume that there is a bijection \theta : V(G)\rightarrow V(H) such that uv\in E(G)\iff \theta(u)\theta(v)\in E(H).
Let \phi : E(G) \rightarrow E(H) such that \phi (uv)=\theta(u)\theta(v). Note that since G is simple, \phi is well-defined. Also since H is simple, then \phi is one-to-one. Moreover since uv\in E(G)\iff \theta(u)\theta(v)\in E(H), there is one-to-one correspondence between the edge set of G and the edge set of H. Hence \psi_G(e)=uv\iff\psi_H(\phi(e))=\theta(u)\theta(v).
The solutions of all the exercises of “Graph Theory with Applications” by J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, are available for download as a pdf file! Click the button below.