Exercise 1.2.6
These are the solutions to the exercises of the book Graph Theory with Applications by J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty.
Consider the following labelling of the two graphs:

Graph G

Graph H
Consider the bijection \theta : V(G) \rightarrow V(H) where:
\theta (a)=v_2, \theta (b)=v_{10}, \theta (c)=v_3, \theta (d)=v_9, \theta (e)=v_8,
\theta (a')=v_1, \theta (b')=v_7, \theta (c')=v_4, \theta (d')=v_5, \theta (e')=v_6.
One can check that for all u,v \in V(G):uv\in E(G) if and only if \theta (u) \theta(v)\in E(H).
The solutions of all the exercises of “Graph Theory with Applications” by J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, are available for download as a pdf file! Click the button below.