Exercise 1.2.8
These are the solutions to the exercises of the book Graph Theory with Applications by J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty.
(a) Consider the complete bipartite graph K_{m,n} with bipartition (X,Y) in which \lvert X \rvert=m and \lvert Y \rvert=n. The graph K_{m,n} has an edge between every vertex in X and every vertex in Y. The total number of pairs of vertices with one vertex in X and one vertex in Y is mn. Hence result follows.
(b) Let G be a simple bipartite graph on \nu vertices. W.l.o.g. let us say that one part has m vertices and thus the other part has \nu -m vertices. By part (a), G has at most m(\nu-m) edges.
Consider the following two cases:
Case 1: \nu is even.
Case 2: \nu is odd.
In Case 1, m(\nu-m) reaches its maximum which m=\frac{\nu}{2} (when the parts of the partition have an equal number of vertices). Thus \epsilon\leq m(\nu-m)\leq \frac{\nu}{2}(\nu-\frac{\nu}{2})=\frac{\nu^2}{4}.
In Case 2, m(\nu-m) reaches its maximum which m=\frac{\nu+1}{2} (when one of the parts of the partition have just one vertex more than the other part). Thus \epsilon\leq m(\nu-m)\leq \frac{\nu+1}{2}(\nu-\frac{\nu+1}{2})=\frac{\nu^2-1}{4}\leq\frac{\nu^2}{4}. \square
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