Quantitative Analysis 2 Past Papers by Topic

The following is a list of Business Statistics 2 past papers questions sorted by topic: Sampling Theory, Continuous Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Confidence Intervals & Chi-Square Test.

Sampling Theory

June 2022 Question 2d

Sep 2021 Question 3a

June 2019 Question 1a

June 2018 Question 2a

June 2017 Question 2a

Continuous Distributions

June 2022 Question 1

June 2022 Question 2a

Sep 2021 Question 1

Sep 2021 Question 2a, b

June 2021 Question 1

June 2021 Question 2a-c

June 2020 Question 1a-g

June 2020 Question 2b, e, f

June 2020 Question 3a

June 2019 Question 2

June 2018 Question 1

June 2018 Question 2b, c, d

June 2017 Question 1

June 2017 Question 2b, e


Hypothesis Testing

June 2022 Question 4

June 2022 Question 5

June 2022 Question 6b

Sep 2021 Question 4

Sep 2021 Question 5

Sep 2021 Question 6b

June 2021 Question 4

June 2021 Question 5

June 2021 Question 6b

June 2020 Question 3b, c, d

June 2020 Question 4a, c

June 2019 Question 4c, d, e

June 2019 Question 5

June 2019 Question 6b

June 2018 Question 4aii, bii, biii

June 2018 Question 5a, bii

June 2017 Question 4a b., b b., b c.

June 2017 Question 5

June 2017 Question 6a


Confidence Intervals

June 2022 Question 2b, c, e

June 2022 Question 3

Sep 2021 Question 2c-e

Sep 2021 Question 3b-f

June 2021 Question 2d-f

June 2021 Question 3

June 2020 Question 1h, i

June 2020 Question 2a, c, d

June 2019 Question 1b

June 2019 Question 3

June 2019 Question 4a, b

June 2018 Question 3

June 2018 Question 4ai, bi

June 2018 Question 5bi

June 2017 Question 2″b” “c”

June 2017 Question 3

June 2017 Question 4a a., b a.


Chi-Square Test

June 2022 Question 6a

Sep 2021 Question 6b

June 2021 Question 6a

June 2020 Question 4b

June 2019 Question 6a

June 2018 Question 6

June 2017 Question 6b